
(Art by hattie)

Some nights… have a magic to them. You know the ones, maybe you’re watching a film, reading a book, journaling, dancing. Whatever it is that you do, there’s a moment. You glimpsed something. Whatever it is, it feels right. Everything feels right.

Do you ever forget why you do something? Maybe you rationalise, or you’re just in plain denial about it. Apparently the brain is good at ‘not seeing’ what it doesn’t want to see. I find that kind of funny.



If you can entertain another perspective without taking it on, you’re doing okay.

I’m a huge fan of Nils Frahm… Chopin and Chopinesque modern classical music like the entire range of Studio Ghibli piano pieces. I listen to other styles, but my own style… if I have a style, sort of follows this neo-classical moody vein with some minimalism thrown in. Apparently Nils Frahm doesn’t like the label neo-classicism. And the first minimalist composers (I’m thinking of Phillip Glass) rejected the label minimalism.

So… here I am, actively trying to apply these labels to myself. It’s funny. I’m not going to say anything about it… except that I’m okay with trying to understand where I’m coming from and what I’m drawn to.

I signed myself up for a NaNoWriMo challenge of sorts. And I’m torn between being disciplined enough to write something creative every day, and not being in the mood for that and going with it. I improvised this instead:

Soundcloud – Dust

It’s nearing the end of the year. Listening to my own music did inspire this writing though:

Never forget how lovely it is to play. Never forget how lovely it is to ride a storm of feeling, no matter how many times the storm pulls you under. Endings are beginnings in disguise. Who are you writing to? Who are you writing for? Nothing will ever be perfect for you, so see the beauty in crooked things. That’s enough, I promise.

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